Archive | March 2012

Ideas for project three. Two possible paths! Align!!

So for project three I am thinking about filming a joint video with Tiffany, about unique and out of the way places in Shin-Okubo.

-Little known restaurants with cheap! and delicious food.

-Specialty shops off the beaten path

-Kpop Cafe’s compared to Japanese Host Clubs


However recently I have been thinking about being an expat here in Japan and what it means.


-What drives people to come to Japan

-How well do (or don’t they) they integrate into Japanese society

-Language barriar

-Cultural differences

-What they like most/ dislike most about living in Tokyo.


I think it would interesting to go around Tokyo and film on location. There are many “living in Japan” vloggers and bloggers out there. One of my friends actually knows Hikosaemon a Japan Vlogger, and it would be really awesome if I could somehow meet with him and get an interview from him as well. —-> Link to Hikosaemon’s youtube channel!—–>Another Japan Vlogger’s youtube Channel, TokyoCooney


So which one would you be more interested in seeing

Project 1 Reviews: Adora and Jean

I felt as though both Jean and Adora did very well with this project, especially considering they introduced subjects that the reader may not be familiar with.



-I felt as though the detail that went into her project was very impressive, and she did a very good job of introducing her main points and the story.

-The design of the her page is very well organized and easy on the eyes.

-I liked the way she contrasted views on abortion. because this kind of issue is still relevant today.


-The text seemed to be a large block without separation of notification that a new paragraph or idea was being introduced.





-I was very impressed with the amount of detail that went into this article.

-I felt like I really learned something new after reading this article.

-I felt the media/ the pictures and such added a lot to the story.


– Some of the text on the pictures are hard to read.

Final Project 2, The Glittering World of the Yoshiwara



In this piece I speak about the historic red light district known as Yoshiwara.

Interview Questions for Nagai-Sensei

Interview Questions:

What was the difference between life as a high ranking courtesan and life as a lower ranking courtesan?

What were some of the causes of early death among the women of Yoshiwara?

What would happen if one of the women became pregnant?

What happened to a woman who attempted to escape Yoshiwara?

Were these women able to integrate into normal society?

Was there a stigma attached to them?



Street of Shame Ending

Using the soundtrack and audio clips from this film, which was a 1956 Mizoguchi film detailing the lives of prostitutes working in a brothel, I hope to add to my piece and hope to be able to create space for the listener to immerse themselves.